Sunday, July 6, 2014

Bike Moscow !!

An incredible transporation transformation is taking place in big moscow - - the sudden popularity of bicycles all around town (as not only a leisure activity, but a serious form of getting around on a daily basis).   The bike rental kiosks that have been popular all over western and northern europe for several years have made their way over now, but those are used by visitors typically.   It's evident the bike movement is more than that, it's locals from 10-50 years old biking around all the time.   

Bike paths have been created on several streets around town, special bike paths in most of the large parks, bike allowed on metro, bike festivals, and the one that blew me away - Bike in Dining at a popular cafe in Gorky Park (you can remain standing on your bike while having your meal, while your bike is locked into a slot underneath you).   Pretty awesome.  here's some pics

anastasiya & dasha - gorky park 2014

papa + dasha ready to roll

dasha on a dedicated two-way bike path

Bike up dining (with dining table above)

Bike rentals near city center

Bike Festival Poster

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