Tuesday, June 14, 2011

got construction?

there is no shortage of major construction and development work out here right now (I wonder if all of the cranes from Dubai got packed up and sent over here).   In only 2 years since I was last here, there are quite a few visible differences along the skyline here in moscow - mostly good, but some of them not so good. 

what's amazing is the work hours and work conditions on their construction projects.  They don't start as early in the morning as they do in the US (8am instead of 6am), but often go late into the evening (6-7pm, etc) and carry forward 6 or 7 days a week.   Beer, cigarettes, and whisky bottles are a constant, while hardhats, shirts and safety equipment are not.  it's crazy... jobsite safety is still often seen as a "nuisance" in many countries.


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