Monday, June 23, 2014

Longest day of the year & First Transatlantic flight

We decided to spend the Summer Solstice yesterday making the long trek to Moscow.  One 12 hour plane ride covering nearly 10,000km (that's over 6,050 miles for the yanks back home), added to grandpa's ride to LAX, boarding and the final shuttle from Sheremetyevo to the apartment mean that we spent more than 17 hours.  Yikes.

Some factors made it a pretty smooth trip however.  First was the excitement that came with it being Darya's first Transatlantic flight to Europe.  The Aeroflot airline was also pretty awesome, their service really keeps getting better ever year (it's quite good now), we were treated to a brand new A330 plane along with some nice kids games and gifts they gave to Darya.  With it being the longest day of the year and having the flight route go up over Canada and Greenland, we were also treated to full sunlight for the entire course of the flight.  Sounds cool on the surface, but winds up being quite tricky trying to get a 7 year old on her first transatlantic flight to go "night night" for a few hours during the flight when it's still completely sunny outside the windows for the whole flight (impossible basically!!)  

Glad the travel is over - we're settling in now and getting ready to explore the city.    More to come soon!

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