Sunday, June 19, 2011

Sparkling Metro !!

I first wrote about the Moscow Metro (subway) in 2009, but given that it is such an integral part of daily life out here (I've actually only been inside a car once since arriving 15 days ago) it begs further mention.

Moscow Metro has added a few stations since my last trip, and the trains continue to arrive at every station every 1-2 minutes but perhaps just as impressive is how clean everything is.  There are no peddlers in the metro stations, and we have not seen one piece of litter in any of the stations or train cars the entire time I've been here... I don't know if the credit goes to the subway maintenance crews or the russian people, who really respect their city (willing to carry their trash for several blocks and/or miles to properly dispose of it).   Simply no comparison from to the grimy New York subways that I'm used to.

Another great feature is the layout of the stations, and the walkways/paths leading up to them.  Here's a shot of our daily tree-lined 15 minute walk from Anastasiya's apartment to the Slanvinskiy Bulvar station:

an amazing video of Moscow Metro's architectural beauty:

more photos that I took this week:

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