Tuesday, June 7, 2011

unnecessary warning signs (or lack thereof)

I've got to admit - a really refreshing aspect of the streetscape in russia (and europe for that matter) is the restraint shown with the lack of annoying warning and street/traffic signs present and in your face.   For instance, if they intend you to stop, there is one simple small red circle or even simpler, just the word stop posted clearly at the appropriate location. 

Back in the US, we would first need to form a committee to study the need for the stop, require the town council to authorize the stoppage, then once fully commissioned, proceed to place two warning signs in advance of the location, then a huge 3 foot wide hexagonal stop sign up on a large metal pole.  And of course print the word STOP in massive capital letters.  Oh yes, AND paint the word on the ground once or twice for good measure.    Add all of that up and you have a ridiculous amount of visual blight - which is pleasantly absent from the streetscape here in moscow.   Maybe if there were less regulations and lawyers in America we could also emulate this same level of restraint !

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